The rules for driving may change from 1 January 2021.
(According to www.GOV.UK)
– you need to take your Great Britain or Northern Ireland driving licence with you to drive abroad.
– check yours is still valid and renew your driving licence online if it’s expired or about to expire.
– you’ll need to apply to renew your licence at least a week before you travel.

V5C document
If you’re taking your own vehicle, you also need to take your log book (V5C) and your insurance certificate.

VE103 certificate
If you’re taking a vehicle abroad that you’ve hired or leased in the UK, you’ll need a VE103 certificate.
Driving in the European Union (EU)
– all UK vehicle insurance provides the minimum third party cover to drive in EU countries.
– check with your insurer if your policy has extra cover for things like theft or damage to your car abroad.
Driving in other countries
– in non-EU countries, a ‘green card’ proves that your insurance covers the minimum cover in the country you’re driving in.
– ask your insurance company if they can issue you with one.
If you’re in an accident
If you have an accident causing damage or injury you must give the following to anyone with ‘reasonable grounds for requiring them’, for example an insurance company:
– your name and address
– the vehicle registration number
– you also need to give the owner’s name and address if the vehicle is not yours.
– you must report the accident to the police within 24 hours if you do not give your details at the time of the accident.
– you must also report the accident to your insurance company, even if you’re not planning to make a claim.
Accidents with uninsured motorists
You should tell the police if you have an accident with someone who’s not insured.
– Your insurance company will also be able to give you more advice.
– You might also be able to get compensation if you’re the victim of an uninsured or hit and run driver.
Please note:
Above the details which according to the GOV.UK website as the best of their knowledge, information presented in this website is correct at the time of going to publication, however, no responsibility can be accepted for any error or omission, however caused.